Safety and Protection of Aussie Homes Is Our Priority
We now spend more time in our homes than ever. It has never been so important to ensure that we have, not only adequate but, optimal safety and protection solutions to help keep you, your family, your home and valuable possessions as safe as possible.
There are many things you can do to help protect your family. Light sensors, RCDs, RCBOs, circuit breakers, surge protection devices, digital timers and smoke alarms aren’t as exciting as choosing security cameras, switches, power points, ceiling fans and home automation, but they are just as important.
We put your safety first, every time.
Electricity provides all sorts of wonderful necessities and niceties for the home. Warmth, ambiance, security, smart devices, energy monitoring and home automation systems. But, without the right safety measures, it can also put you in harm’s way.
Clipsal Safety Solutions are designed to provide convenient access to power, safely. We’ll keep you covered as you move around your home; inside and out.
Explore our wide range of Safety products, including the Night Walk motion sensor, Waterproof and Cooker electric switches, Surge Protection and child-friendly shuttered power outlets.

Home Safety Checklist
Use this handy checklist to ensure your home’s electrical safety is up to date.